Azim Premji - My Lessons in Life

Someone recently mailed this article to me. I was about to treat it as another one of the numerous senseless forwards that we receive everyday from our aquaintances, that few lines caught my eyes. Here, Azim Premji, the one time richest Indian in the world, talks about his life and lessons that he has learned in his life.

I would've loved to publish the entire article had it been in text format. But since I'm too lazy to type the entire thing by reading the article, I'm posting it as a pic. Do go through it. :)


A K said…
What an example of CCP :)
That’s what I love about your blogs, originality!!
Vaishali said…
wont say gud write up.. obviously... hehe
bt selection also mattrs... n I wud say a gud select for sharing. thanx for sharing the article. Keep CCPing.. :P
nish said…
very simple and yet very interesting read-up!
Jigisha said…
the best part is "learn to respond instead of reacting." ..brilliant write up.
Gagan said…
@ Anuradha: Thanks for dropping by. I look forward to your feedback in future also. After all, I think it was Kabir who said something to the effect that one should keep critics close, as they help in cleansing yourself :)

@ Vaishali: Thanks :) I hope you like my next post too

@ nish: thanks.. do keep visiting

@ jigisha: thanks for dropping by. ya I know.. azim premji is known as a great thinker :)
Priyam said…
Really interesting article!!

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