SMS Short Cuts


@ "At"
MSG "Message"
W "With"
ATB "All the best"
NE "Any"
W/O "Without"
B "Be, Bee"
NETHNG "Anything"
WKND "Weekend"
BCNU "I'll be seeing you"
NE1 "Anyone"
XLNT "Excellent"
BWD "Backward"
NO1 "No one"
XOXOX "Hugs and kisses"
B4 "Before"
OIC "Oh, I see"
YR "Your"
C "See, Sea"
PCM "Please call me"
1 "One, Won"
CU "See you"
PLS "Please"
2 "Too, To, Two"
DOIN "Doing"
PPL "People"
GONNA "Going to"
SUM1 "Someone"
3SUM "Threesome"
GR8 "Great"
STRA "Stray"
4 "For, Four"
H8 "Hate"
THNQ "Thank you"
L8 "Late"
THX "Thanks"
L8R "Later"
U "You"
LUV "Love"
UR "You are "
d:) "Baseball cap "
MOB "Mobile"
WAN2 "Want to?"
;/ "Confused"
2DAY "Today"
F2T "Free to talk"
RUOK "Are you okay?"
2MORO "Tomorrow"
FWD "Forward"
RGDS "Regards"
1dRfl  wonderful
2  to/too/two
2dA  today
2moro  tomorrow
2nite  tonite
3dom  freedom
4  for
4get  forget
4N  foreign
ADN  any day now
AFAIK  as far as I know
AFAIR  as far as I recall
ASAP  as soon as possible
ATM  at the moment
B  be
B4  before
B4N  bye for now
BB bye bye
Bf boyfriend
BG  big grin
BION  believe it or not
BK  big kiss
BTDT  been there, done that
BTW  by the way
By  busy
C  see/sea
CB  call back
CUL  see you later
CWYL  chat with you later
DUZ  does
DUZNT  doesn't
F2F  free to talk?
G2G  got to go
Gf  girlfried
Gr8  great
Grr  angry
H2  how to
HUH  have you heard?
IC  I see
ICCL  I couldn't care less
IK  I know
ILU (or ILY)  I love you
in4ml  informal
KISS  keep it simple, stupid
KUTGW  keep up the good work
L8  late
L8r  later
LMK  let me know
M8  mate
MOF  matter of fact
MT  empty
MTE  my thoughts exactly
NAGI  not a good idea
Ne  any
Ne1  anyone
No1  no one
nrg  energy
OIC  Oh I see
OK  okay
ONNA  oh no, not again!
OTT  over the top
PCM  please call me
Pls  please
Ppl  people
PTL  praise the Lord
R  are
Re  regarding
RUOK  are you okay?
Spk  speak
Sry  sorry
SWAK  sealed with a kiss
THX  thanks
TTYL  talk to you later
TXT  text
U  you
U@  you at? (where are you?)
UOK  you okay?
UR  your/you're
Usu  usually
W8  wait
W84M  wait for me
W/  with
Wan2  want to
wn  when
WMF  works for me
XLNT  excellent
Y  why
YM  you mean
YR  yeah, right
L8  late
L8r  later
LMK  let me know
M8  mate
MOF  matter of fact
MT  empty
MTE  my thoughts exactly
NAGI  not a good idea
Ne  any
Ne1  anyone
No1  no one
nrg  energy
OIC  Oh I see
OK  okay
ONNA  oh no, not again!
OTT  over the top
PCM  please call me
Pls  please
Ppl  people
PTL  praise the Lord
R  are
Re  regarding
RUOK  are you okay?
Spk  speak
Sry  sorry
SWAK  sealed with a kiss
THX  thanks
TTYL  talk to you later
TXT  text
U  you
U@  you at? (where are you?)
UOK  you okay?
UR  your/you're
Usu  usually
W8  wait
W84M  wait for me
W/  with
Wan2  want to
wn  when
WMF  works for me
XLNT  excellent
Y  why
YM  you mean
YR  yeah, right
KUTGW  keep up the good work



:) Original smiley
:) Classic smiley
;) Wink
:)) Very happy
|) Hee hee
:D Laugh loud
:^D" Great! I like it!
:o Amazement
:* Kiss
<3 I love you
:s Confusion
{} No comment
:C Totally unbelievable
%) Confused
*:* Fuzzy face
:@ Screaming
:7 Wry remark
:p Sticking out tongue
:( Frown
:> Develish grin
:|| Angry
::=)) Seeing double
:>  Hey
|:0 No explanation
#:) Hair in a mess
>;(' I am spitting mad
#) Partied all night
:| Hmmm
:& Tongue
#:o Oh no!
:# My lips are sealed
8) Sender wears glasses
:+( I'm hurt by that
:*)? Are you drunk?
<:0 Eeek!
:e I'm disappointed
(: Sender is left
<:) Dumb question
~o~ Bird
:@ Ouch!
:(*) Sick comment
(:) Bald
:// Frustrated
:3< Dog
d:) Hats off to your great idea
:$ Put your money where your mouth is
:{) Sender has moustache
|| Going to sleep
\o/ Praise the Lord
*<:o) Clown
:{)} Sender has moustache & beard
:=8) Baboon Baboon
8^ Chicken
~#:( Bad hair day
:'( I am crying
:*) I' tipsy
O:) Innocent
&:) Sender has curly hair
:& Tongue

we sure could use these.. hai na??

"Not Everything That Can Be Counted Counts... And Not Everything That Counts Can Be Counted!!!"


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